Dear Krystyna,
I am a single again man who turns 60 in June. I was married for first time at age 39 and the relationship lasted 8 years. We lived as singles together for the last 5 years. I divorced because of her unfaithfulness.
I waited hoping she would want to get counseling with me and she just continued with loving everyone except me. I have thought about finding love in the UK and so I started a search on
TOP3 Sites For Russian & Ukraine Dating
This is how my Ukrainian story started
I found a lady there who interested me. I began a chat to learn more about her. We started exchanging letters through this dating site. Every letter I send and receive cost me money. Every minute we chat cost as well. I have known that finding special lady will cost me money.

If I lived in her country and was dating her I would pay for evening meal and movie. I have learned finally that she looks quite different than her profile pictures. She is still beautiful to me and I told her this in letter I sent today. I told her that I was as a frog next to her.
Is really God the Match Maker?
I have spent careful time writing from my heart of how she makes me feel. She seems slow to open her heart. When I go onto this site she is always on line. I feel she may be chatting with many men. I have told her this is ok too.
I told her she needs to find happiness; if not with me; then with the special man God provides. I told her God is the Match Maker. She never really opens up to me. When I do not write for a few days I get a letter from her telling me I am missed. You need to know that I am a master electrician who retired early to care for my mother and father.
What should I do if I wanna more?
They need my help and I do not want them in the nursing home. I still have income coming in each month from contractor in Dallas I am mastering for. I have shared all this and more with her.
My question is this. How long should I wait? Should she want to develop our relationship away from this dating site? There is QQ and messenger where we could communicate and see each other.
Is this asking too much to be able to see who I am talking with? I want to know that it is Lyubov I am speaking with. I do not even know her last name; it is against the rules of site. Thanks for your help!
David Hardy
Krystyna comments:
Almost everyone wants to find the right person to share their lives with and build a family with. When it comes to finding love online getting to know someone online becomes hard because of a gap in communication (especially in a Ukrainian-Western communication).
I understand your questions about the possible development of your communication. In my opinion, the Western men can ask the Ukrainian women for their skype or ICQ account already after a few successful messages. If the woman shows a real interest to get to know you better, you can be sure that she is ready to get away from the dating site. It is not too much to ask. It can be too much if you ask for her private address or her sexual past. But skype account is the little next step for the development of your communication.
If the woman is communicating with other men, it is not bad because that belongs to the rules of online dating: communicate and then decide what a man is your match. It is bad if you are in a relationship already and she has still a contact with other men on the dating site.
I hope I could help you! Feel free to write to me, if you have other questions!
Good luck in your Ukrainian dating adventure!