BravoDate Review 2025: Legit Or Fake?

Do you have your heart set on an Eastern European bride who is from Ukraine, Romania, Poland, or Slovenia? Besides traveling there or going on a singles tour to look for your lady love, you can also register on an online dating platform. 

Various dating sites specialize in the Eastern European dating niche, but unfortunately, some of these services are rather sketchy. is one of these sites that you are better off staying away from, and here’s everything you need to know. 

Pro Tip: BeHappy2Day is a reputable online dating site with many Slavic ladies so you can find your true love.

Reasons Why You Can Trust Us

TOP3 Sites For Russian & Ukraine Dating - A Brief Intro About the Site is an online dating site that falls in the Eastern European or Slavic dating niche (Related read: The 6 Best European Dating Sites & Apps). While ladies from other countries may be registered on this platform, most of the women are from Slavic origin. 

When you first visit the website, you’ll see the website has a clean and relatively modern design. I wouldn’t fault you if your overall impression thus far was a good one. I’m afraid that’s where the good stops. 

BravoDate review

Diving deeper, the website is pretty basic, and the worst is that it looks almost exactly like a few other dating sites that are in my little black book (aka they are blacklisted). 

BravoDate isn’t transparent about various things like the operating company, who you are likely to meet on the site, or any basic questions you should have before you sign up. 

Plus, you may find this interesting – the company doesn’t refer to BravoDate as an online dating site. Nope, this is a communication platform because they believe “human communication to be limitless.”

Scrolling through their Terms of Use and Service page reveals a little. Their mailing address is in Cyprus, but since the site looks like,,,,, and a couple of other sites, my money is that their operator is a U.S.-based company called Interpillar Ltd. doesn’t have a good online reputation, but more on that in a little bit. 

How to Register on

It’s easy to register on (#NoSurpriseThere). 

You simply need to visit BravoDate’s website, and the registration form is front and center. You literally can’t miss it. 

bravodate signup

Under the “It’s free to join!” heading, you need to fill in a few details: 

Then click on the burnt orange “Register” button. Registering also means you’ve read the T&Cs and that you are at least 18. 

Next, you need to fill in a basic questionnaire with questions about yourself and your love match preferences. Your answers form the basis of your online dating profile, and you can edit it (like uploading a photo) to fill in more info if you so choose. 

You need to confirm your email address by clicking the link in the mail that’ll appear in your inbox. 

What Do the Profiles Look Like? (Features and Functions)

The profiles are quite basic on, which raises a few red flags for me. If you are really looking for love and don’t just want to drool over pretty photos or chat with a bot, you’d want a lady who is authentic.

That means there should be “paragraph” spaces on the profiles so the lady (and you when you create your profile) can share meaningful and interesting information about themselves, who they are interested in, and so forth. 

When you look at the BravoDate profiles, you can pretty much only go off basic info to decide if you are into the single woman, and that just isn’t enough or a good enough starting point. 

bravodate profiles

On a profile on BravoDate, you’ll see the following: 

Basic functions you can access on the profiles on are: 

Profiles in Our Review

All the ladies in the profiles look too perfect to be real. If you open a fancy magazine and look at the ladies there, and then compare that to the single women on BravoDate, there won’t be much difference. The Ukrainian brides look like they are models, and the chances of real models being on a site like is slim to none.

bravodate chat

Picture-perfect profile photos on online dating sites usually indicate the profiles are fake, whether they are operated by bots and the photos stolen from elsewhere on the internet or scammers are on the other side. 

So be cautious if you do decide to give BravoDate a try (though I sincerely wouldn’t recommend it). 

Can I Use for Free?

Most dating sites offer a taste for free, and is no different. 

You are quite limited in what you can access for free, but it gives you an idea of how the site works. 

For no charge on BravoDate, you can: Memberships, Costs, & Credits

If you want to access the other features on offer, you need to buy credits and then spend on the relevant service. For example, if you want to send a sticker to your lady love (aka chat bot), you need to buy credits to pay for the sticker. 

Here’s a breakdown of what the credit bundles on BravoDate cost: 

bravodate credits online

The paid features on BravoDate and some of their cost are as follows: 

Usability Check on Desktop and Mobile

There is no mobile app for, so you can only use the dating site via a web browser on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone browser. The website works because it’s so basic that any newbie can navigate it. 

Safety and Security on

BravoDate doesn’t offer much in terms of safety and security. The “validated” badges carry no authority or trustworthiness, and the anti-scam policy on the site is a joke. It’s like an article on what it means to be scammed and the company may investigate if you report that you’ve been scammed.

Chances are high that BravoDate will be the ones scamming you. 

How Can I Reach the Customer Support at

To get in touch with the customer support team at, you need to send an email to support [at] 

You can send your mail at any time, and then wait for a reply. 

Customer Reviews for at Trustpilot & Sitejabber

Looking at the customer reviews on independent third-party review sites like Trustpilot and Sitejabber solidifies what I’ve gathered about BravoDate. 

You may think with 7,909 reviews on Sitejabber and a 4.36 star rating that BravoDate is a reputable site. But have a read through the reviews and you’ll quickly change your mind. One of the first reviews I read talks about how the person is happy to have found BravoDate because they can start chatting without having to pay – uhm, no? (#SuspectMuch?)

bravodate sitejabber

Reading the other reviews raises more doubts about BravoDate than anything else.

BravoDate has 66 reviews on Trustpilot and a 1.6 star rating. Quite the opposite, right?

bravodate trustpilot

One reviewer mentions how they spend US$3,000 dollars and when you request the lady’s contact details, they ghost you. 

Our Review Verdict: Not Recommended

There’s no way BravoDate is a reputable International online dating site where you can feel safe signing up. 

Plus, your chances of finding true, lasting love? 

A big fat zero. 

With the fake profiles, ladies not wanting to share contact details or meet and then ghosting you, a pricey payment system, no security features, and no transparency, my final verdict is that I don’t recommend BravoDate.

It’s a firm “stay away” from me. 

Check out my guide on Ukrainian dating scams to get an idea of what to look out for and avoid being a victim of a romance scam. 

You want to learn how to find a great foreign woman and experience exciting International dating adventure, but you have no clue of where to start. Not to worry, we are here to help! ☝️ Ask Krystyna
Krystyna Dating Blogger
About the editor: Krystyna is the author of three dating ebooks, including  ‘International Dating Digest For Men: Finding Love Overseas’.
As the leading dating blogger Krystyna is a consultant for many dating services and is involved in a wide variety of different areas, such as personal dating coaching and romance scam.
With decades of experience, Krystyna is the authority on the international dating scene, and it’s her passion to help people sustain relationships that bridge cultures and countries.

TOP3 Sites For Russian & Ukraine Dating

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